If you are currently studying fashion, whether that be marketing, buying or design related (amongst others), you will most likely have a work placement or placement year option included in your course. As many of you know, I study International Fashion Marketing at MMU and have just gone onto my final year after completing my placement year as a Buying/E-Commerce Assistant. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on placement and I'm sure your lecturers have already started drilling into you how important it is for you to gain a placement year - especially if you have just started your second year. Not only will it give you an insight into a job/company you may want to pursue a career with, it will also give you a heads up on the game with vital experience and contacts once you are looking for a graduate job. I must state that not everyone will get a placement year or decide to take one in the first place; that doesn't mean you are doomed to never find a job once you have graduated, I know many people on my course who have just graduated without taking the placement year option and have already gained jobs in the industry. It's not the be all and end all, but I would recommend it so you can experience not only the application process but also various job roles to give you a better idea of what you want to do, or not do once you graduate. I've decided to write this blog post to give my hints and tips to make the application process a lot easier for yourselves, to help take away some of the stress and to make sure you are fully prepared. Even if you don't have a placement year as part of your course, some of these tips can also be applied to help you find some short term/ part time work experience with a company or an internship during the holidays.