You may or may not have noticed that I have been absent from my blog for a little over a month now, this was in no way intentional and due to a number of events in my life it has left me without a choice but to neglect the blog a little bit. I know I'm not the most on the ball when it comes to blogging in the first place, as I started this blog whilst also starting my placement year I did start to struggle with keeping up the consistency that I had at the start, I often felt the struggle with balancing my work, personal and blogging life and whilst I did try, real life often had to take priority over my digital one. This doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy blogging but with working full time and being in a long distance relationship, I felt it hard to find the time to really devote myself to my blog, I didn't want to end up writing crappy little posts just to fill the space that nobody would find interesting or useful and I preferred to write good quality and in depth posts over quantity; if that meant only posting one blog post a week then so be it. Blogging has been an outlet for me to express my thoughts and has enabled me to come across so many others who have the same interests as me, even though I only posted a few times a month, this blog and the blogging community have been on my mind daily and I don't think a day has gone by without talking to my fellow bloggers over on Twitter.
Anyway, I'm rambling once again..
The past month has been a bit of a whirlwind for me, at the start of June I went on a family holiday to Rhodes where (due to no internet or free wifi) I took a break from social media and the blog. Since then I have literally not had a free day to spend time on the blog! The rest of June, during the weeks I was finishing off my placement year, making sure everything was up to speed and training up my replacement so that they can competently carry on with what I did solo over the year. I also had to consider the fact that come July I would be unemployed and needed to find another job of some sort up in Manchester for when I moved back up after my placement, so often spent my free evenings trawling the internet looking for any available jobs.
Speaking of Manchester, you may or may not have seen on Twitter that me and John have got our very own house together, as it's the first time we will be living together it's all very exciting getting everything ready and building a home together. The weekends leading up to July were spent trying to sort out furniture and things for the house, as we have a whole house to furnish that is a lot to buy! Though we did take one weekend off to go to see Kasabian perform at the Summer Solstice in Leicester which was an incredible performance - if not very mosh pitty, I still have the cuts on my feet from it! I actually made the move back up to Manchester on Tuesday, there is still so much to sort out and the majority of the furniture is still left to build, we're living out of suitcases and we haven't even cooked in the kitchen yet, but we're happy with building our house up from scratch; it may be stressful getting everything sorted, with late night dashes to Ikea and Tesco to pick up food but we're excited to see the finished result hopefully in a couple of weeks. Another factor as to why I've been so quiet is our internet situation; although we ordered BT Infinity months ago, they've still not managed to activate our account on time and it's took numerous calls that ended up going to the head of complaints to finally get it sorted, hopefully this should be resolved next week at some point.
Another, very last minute event also took place this week that really took me by surprise. On Monday I received an email from AX Paris about an intern application I made a week or so prior and they wanted me to start immediately! So with moving on Tuesday and then starting my new job at AX Paris on Wednesday has meant this has pretty much been the busiest week of my life! I knew that I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to intern at AX Paris, even if it meant our evenings were also spent sorting the house out and buying furniture until Ikea were ready to kick us out. It's been really hectic I'll admit, I didn't think I would get a job so quickly after only finishing my placement year a week ago, but I'm glad that in the time I thought I would be unemployed anyway that I could fill it with such vital experience at AX Paris. I've been there 3 days and I'll be interning with them until the end of July, I've enjoyed it so far so I can't wait to see what I'll be doing over the next few weeks!
As John has gone to Le Tour De France up in Yorkshire this weekend, I've come back down to my parent's home to spend the weekend with them (hence my internet access ha). It's my mum's birthday next week and I was supposed to be staying down here for a few more days, but due to my last minute internship this threw a spanner in the works with our planned trip to the seaside for it, though I hope she will forgive me for not being there on the actual day and that this weekend makes up for it.
I think that's about it from me for now! Hopefully once we have the internet sorted at the new house and we've got everything built and ready you will be seeing some more blog posts from me. Once the house is ready I'll do a blog post to show you all of our hard work, I may also do some posts on my recently finished placement and my internship at AX Paris if any of you will find this interesting? I have a few more bits and bobs planned, so hopefully I'll get some spare time soon to share them with you all very soon.
Amie xx
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