Marketing | Dove 'Choose Beautiful' Campaign

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Dove has launched another powerful campaign to help challenge our ideals on beauty and self-confidence. The 'Choose Beautiful' campaign was filmed across five different countries and women were asked to rate their appearances and walk through a door labelled 'Average' or 'Beautiful'. What this powerful campaign highlights is that feeling beautiful is a choice that all women should be able to make - and that if you have the power to feel beautiful, nobody else should be able to change that.

What was shocking from Dove's 'Choose Beautiful' campaign is how reluctant women are to call themselves beautiful. According to Dove's statistics, 96% of UK women feel anxious about the way they look, this was also reflected in the campaign's video, with the majority of women choosing to walk through the 'Average' door. Whether through modesty or insecurity this is unclear, but it is evident that women are increasingly self-conscious about how they look. I completely understand how these women feel, I constantly feel unhappy with the way I look; sometimes all it takes is a glance in the mirror to shatter any confidence I had built up and for my brain to start agonisingly criticising everything about my appearance. Whenever someone gives me a compliment, there's always a part of me that doesn't believe it, that they are only saying it because they are family/friends and they *have* to say nice things. This campaign made me think, and I can't even remember the last time I had thought of myself as 'Beautiful', as I honestly believe that compared to everyone else, I am just 'Average'. 

But I think this is why Dove is trying to change the way many women think and that we should reconsider how we view ourselves. We have the power to 'Choose Beautiful' for ourselves, it is our choice to have the confidence to say everyday that we are beautiful. I know when I feel beautiful I feel much more confident and happy in myself, so why am I denying myself the right to feel like this everyday? If more women could feel happy and confident everyday that can only be a good thing, we are constantly bombarded by what is perceived to be 'beautiful' in the media, so there is no better time for women to stand up and 'Choose Beautiful' for themselves.

It is time to accept that there is no beauty standard and that we can all choose to be beautiful in our own ways. Dove's campaign has made me realise that I am my own worst critic, and if I can change how I think and choose to be beautiful, no-one else is going to stop me from feeling that way.

You can follow more of Dove's campaign on Twitter using #ChooseBeautiful or visit Dove's Tumblr page for more exclusive campaign content.

What do you think to Dove's 'Choose Beautiful' campaign? Will you choose to be 'Average' or 'Beautiful'?

Amie xx

Video and image courtesy of Dove
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